Welcome to TylerCityStation,
or as we like to say ... "All Aboard!"
SITE LAST UPDATED: 11/20/2023 12:00 A.M.
or as we like to say ... "All Aboard!"
SITE LAST UPDATED: 11/20/2023 12:00 A.M.

3/1: Updates, new maps at EAST BERLIN1 and EAST BERLIN2, important early home of Connecticut's tin- and tool-making industry...
2/17: Revision, new pix at PLATTS MILLS. Hollywood comes to Waterbury! One of the earliest U.S. motion pictures was produced here in 1928...
1/23: Update at HARTFORD1...
1/15: Flag stops at AVERYS and WINTHROP added...
12/24: Revisions, new photos added at NAVY BASE...
12/13: Important revisions, new photos added at ORE HILL1 and ORE HILL2...
11/17: More from Norwich! NORWICH FALLS added...
9/25: Update at GREENVILLE where an unbelievable groundbreaking ceremony for the N&W took place here on 11/17/1835...
The entries above point you to significant additions and changes that result from our ongoing research. These may be selectively highlighted in blue on our Track pages for a period of time. Since 9/2/12, we have left a 'rev' date note on any entry in which we have made a substantive change. Always feel free to contact us for clarification of any details of particular interest.
Email all inquiries and other correspondence to [email protected], c/o Bob, WebStationmaster.
3/1: Updates, new maps at EAST BERLIN1 and EAST BERLIN2, important early home of Connecticut's tin- and tool-making industry...
2/17: Revision, new pix at PLATTS MILLS. Hollywood comes to Waterbury! One of the earliest U.S. motion pictures was produced here in 1928...
1/23: Update at HARTFORD1...
1/15: Flag stops at AVERYS and WINTHROP added...
12/24: Revisions, new photos added at NAVY BASE...
12/13: Important revisions, new photos added at ORE HILL1 and ORE HILL2...
11/17: More from Norwich! NORWICH FALLS added...
9/25: Update at GREENVILLE where an unbelievable groundbreaking ceremony for the N&W took place here on 11/17/1835...
The entries above point you to significant additions and changes that result from our ongoing research. These may be selectively highlighted in blue on our Track pages for a period of time. Since 9/2/12, we have left a 'rev' date note on any entry in which we have made a substantive change. Always feel free to contact us for clarification of any details of particular interest.
Email all inquiries and other correspondence to [email protected], c/o Bob, WebStationmaster.
TylerCityStation is a non-profit, educational endeavor that seeks to bring print and electronic research materials together to better understand the people, places, and events that played a role in the building of our railroads. Newly digitized resources and greater online interactivity has already enabled us to answer long-standing questions about lines, stations, facilities, personnel, and equipment, even for obscure places like Tyler City. The important role that the railroad played in the development of this state and this country can hardly be overestimated. To many of us, the subject is sacred. The .info domain was chosen to reflect this sentiment.
It is our intention to present original research of the highest quality, with sources identified and verified as fully as possible. Many of the sources are reflected in the research links on the following sub-pages. Primary source material will include railroad commissioners' reports, documents and correspondence, annual reports of the railroads and municipalities, and other first-hand historical accounts. Secondary sources will include local town and county histories as well as newspaper and periodical articles, the latter referenced in the text or in endnotes in this publication title/month/day/year/page of issue format, e.g. NYT/01/01/1901/01 is New York Times, January 1, 1901, page 1. Photographs, postcards, maps and other visual materials will also be an important source category. Consult list of abbreviations in the following sub-pages for those commonly used; others will be elucidated in the annotations.
Material that is not in the public domain is published here only with owner permission. Any further use requires similar permission. The reproduction of this site in its entirety or in substantial part is not permitted. Scholarly use of data should acknowledge TylerCityStation. The visuals we use add greatly to the content and we hope contributors will share material, regardless of the quality, which we try to enhance as best we can. We are always happy to give line credit for materials sent by contributors, or not, as they wish. Any omission of credit to an individual or institution is unintentional and will be rectified upon notification.
We could not possibly have undertaken this challenge without help. Many thanks to the individuals, institutions, and organizations who have made contributions of materials, information, and support to TylerCityStation. Primary among these are the New Haven Railroad Historical and Technical Association, of which we have been a member for almost 40 years, the Connecticut Historical Society, to which we also belong, and the Dodd Research Center at the University of Connecticut. We make every effort to keep in touch with the numerous libraries and historical societies we have visited and whom we consider to be partners in ongoing research.
It is our intention to present original research of the highest quality, with sources identified and verified as fully as possible. Many of the sources are reflected in the research links on the following sub-pages. Primary source material will include railroad commissioners' reports, documents and correspondence, annual reports of the railroads and municipalities, and other first-hand historical accounts. Secondary sources will include local town and county histories as well as newspaper and periodical articles, the latter referenced in the text or in endnotes in this publication title/month/day/year/page of issue format, e.g. NYT/01/01/1901/01 is New York Times, January 1, 1901, page 1. Photographs, postcards, maps and other visual materials will also be an important source category. Consult list of abbreviations in the following sub-pages for those commonly used; others will be elucidated in the annotations.
Material that is not in the public domain is published here only with owner permission. Any further use requires similar permission. The reproduction of this site in its entirety or in substantial part is not permitted. Scholarly use of data should acknowledge TylerCityStation. The visuals we use add greatly to the content and we hope contributors will share material, regardless of the quality, which we try to enhance as best we can. We are always happy to give line credit for materials sent by contributors, or not, as they wish. Any omission of credit to an individual or institution is unintentional and will be rectified upon notification.
We could not possibly have undertaken this challenge without help. Many thanks to the individuals, institutions, and organizations who have made contributions of materials, information, and support to TylerCityStation. Primary among these are the New Haven Railroad Historical and Technical Association, of which we have been a member for almost 40 years, the Connecticut Historical Society, to which we also belong, and the Dodd Research Center at the University of Connecticut. We make every effort to keep in touch with the numerous libraries and historical societies we have visited and whom we consider to be partners in ongoing research.